Best Spine Curvature Rehabilitation Centre 2023 – UAE
Having built a respected following in the specific area of spine therapy, Noralign Functional Rehabilitation Centre (Noralign) specialises in providing a holistic and non-surgical approach
Orthopedic spine therapy or spinal therapy is a physical therapy treatment designed for patients with spine-related conditions or disorders, such as scoliosis, kyphosis, herniated discs, degenerative stenosis, facet syndrome, sciatica, and some other conditions relating to the structural change to the spine, disc, or tissue.
Back or neck pain is a common result of these disorders. A muscle spasm itself usually causes pain. However, pain varies from one person to another; it can be due to disc herniation, degeneration of the actual tissue, or bad posture.
Back pain or discomfort can have a wide range of causes. At Noralign, we look for the origin of the problem and focus on the symptoms; we try to find out why you have the pain and find long-term solutions.
Back pain can be caused by so many different tissues, including a bulging disc or herniation, nerve compression, shooting pain, or muscle spasm. In these cases, the patient can show different symptoms such as neurological signs and experience pain or show a loss in function. If the nerve is compromised, the pain from the lower back can shoot down your legs.
Whereby for spinal deformities/ curvatures such as scoliosis, kyphosis; the condition is diagnosed through posture.
At Noralign, we start with an initial assessment to look into your medical history, symptoms, mobility, posture, and movement. We do initial testing to determine where the pain is coming from and to be able to give you a diagnose. Furthermore, we will discuss how the treatment plan will look and what you need to do to solve your problem in the long term.
The non-surgical treatment we offer here at NorAlign combines spinal/pelvic movements and breathing techniques to improve muscular alignment, balance, strength, flexibility, and postural aesthetics. Depending on the patient’s condition, we incorporate several methods in the treatment program, including the Schroth Method. You have to know the anatomy of a human. You learn to study physiotherapy and apply isometric muscle contraction to correct the curve via the concerned muscle and proper breathing. We are also using classical Pilates, which should not be confused with a contemporary, modern gym Pilates.
If you are in pain, we address this first. We focus on pain management through physiotherapy techniques, including manual therapy, soft tissue therapy, mobilizations, dry needling, taping. Once the pain is reduced, the focus will be on activating your muscles, joints, and spine.
Having built a respected following in the specific area of spine therapy, Noralign Functional Rehabilitation Centre (Noralign) specialises in providing a holistic and non-surgical approach
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