Many patients who are diagnosed with scoliosis often worry about how their condition will affect their routine and their future. Even as scoliosis treatment in Dubai becomes easily accessible to patients, many are still reluctant to have themselves checked or try various treatment methods to help improve their condition.

What is Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis?

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis or AIS accounts for around 90% of idiopathic scoliosis cases. The condition often develops between 10 to 18 years. While there have been several studies to determine what causes this kind of scoliosis, doctors and specialists are still unable to give a final answer on the matter.

Unlike other types of scoliosis, patients rarely experience neurologic symptoms or suffer from pain resulting from AIS. For patients with this condition, the curvature of their spine does not put pressure on organs such as the heart and lungs. Hence, symptoms like shortness of breath and other respiratory problems are not seen in patients with AIS.

How to determine if you have AIS

Just like any other medical condition, consultation and physical evaluation is often the best way to determine the patient’s actual condition and for specialists to come up with an accurate diagnosis. If you notice any of the following, take some time to visit the nearest clinic to determine if you need to be scheduled for scoliosis physiotherapy treatment.

  • One-shoulder appears higher than the other
  • Waistline asymmetry and body shifted to the right
  • A prominence on the back

AIS treatment and management

Several studies have revealed that while there is no permanent cure for scoliosis, patients with AIS can benefit from Schroth scoliosis therapy. This type of therapy involves a range of exercises that can help return the spine to a more natural position.

Other scoliosis treatment for adults includes exercises and massages that promote core and trunk stability, abdominal strengthening, and posture correction.

Whether you are noticing scoliosis symptoms and need a proper diagnosis, or your therapist recommended you to book an appointment for Schroth therapy, our physiotherapists at NorAlign Functional Rehabilitation Center can work one-on-one with you to provide treatments tailored to your individual needs. We have physiotherapists who will develop a program for scoliosis treatment which includes exercises, supervising, and answering questions throughout your therapy.
