NorAlign celebrates it's 5-Year Anniversary! Check out our story


Scoliosis and Spine Curvature Disorders

At NorAlign, we provide evidence-based treatment approaches to scoliosis using the Schroth Method, functional therapy and bracing.

Our integrated approach is individually tailored to each patient depending on their specific curve pattern. Working with children, adolescents and adults, we focus on the conscious correction of postures during routine daily living, not only during strenuous exercise.

Through non-surgical, non-invasive treatment we can help our patients stop further deformity, improve lung capacity, prevent disk degeneration and enhance their range of motion.

Schroth Exercises are customised methods that teach patients how to;

  • Correct spinal rotation and increase lung capacity with rotational breathing techniques
  • Restore normal spinal position with pelvic corrections, breathing technique and stabilising isometric contractions
  • Improve posture during routine daily living, not just during therapy