How to Stop the Further Progression of Scoliosis

While there is still no permanent treatment for scoliosis, years of studies and tests focusing on scoliosis correction enabled doctors and therapists to slow or stop its progression. Before following or doing any program, it would be best to consult your doctor or specialist.

Here are some of the ways how you can slow or stop the progression of scoliosis


Regular and proper exercise is important in preventing the progression of scoliosis. As your spine curves, the muscles around it grow weaker. If the muscles are unable to support the spine, it allows for the curvature to increase faster.

You’ll need to work with a specialist who will provide you with a treatment program, such as Schroth physical therapy, designed to develop strong back and abdominal muscles to keep your spine upright. While simple exercises may work at the beginning, you might hurt yourself if you don’t do the exercises that are appropriate for your condition.


Using a brace isn’t always required for scoliosis patients. However, it can help a lot in promoting better posture, as well as provide support to prevent the curvature from increasing. If you are undergoing physical therapy in Dubai, you may ask for advice about what brace would work best for you and your therapist may be able to recommend a prosthetist design who can create a custom scoliosis brace that suits your specific condition and body type.

Customized braces may cost more but these braces are more comfortable and more effective.


Surgery is only recommended in extreme cases where scoliosis physiotherapy is not enough. While it is considered as an invasive procedure, it can help to return the spine to its normal position. The procedure can also help eliminate other problems caused by scoliosis.

If your specialist recommends getting the surgery, it is important to understand that in some cases, it is not a permanent solution and scoliosis can return several years after surgery. After a successful surgery, the patient must maintain getting proper nutrition and exercise that promotes spinal health.

Our physiotherapists at Noralign Functional Rehabilitation Center can work one-on-one with you to provide treatments tailored to your individual needs.

We have physiotherapists who will develop a program for scoliosis treatment in Dubai which includes exercises, supervising your activities, keeping you motivated to recover faster, and answering questions throughout your therapy
