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Does Classical Pilates Help with Scoliosis?

You’ve probably heard about the terms ‘Classical Pilates’ or ‘Clinical Pilates physiotherapy’ before. But if you aren’t a regular gym-goer or fitness enthusiast, you may not know what they mean. Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving flexibility and postural alignment. The Classical practice is the truest, most authentic form. It is designed to move the body through a full range of movement by working on a sequence. The routine includes a mat, reformer, Cadillac, chair, barrel, pole, and typically two additional equipment that the instructor selects.

More Than Just Stretching

Low-impact exercises that improve the mobility of your spine will be beneficial for reducing the symptoms of scoliosis. Not all those who are diagnosed with scoliosis can engage in high-impact workouts. Putting too much pressure on your spine could do more harm than good. This does low-impact exercise, like classical Pilates, a great option. It is gentler on the body, not physically-demanding, and is manageable for daily activity. Pilates also integrates modern knowledge to deliver scientifically-driven results. This is why physiotherapists sometimes recommend Pilates for children.

Classical Pilates has many benefits for people with scoliosis. But the most important thing it can do is to teach you how to manage your condition. As mentioned, postural alignment is one of the main focuses of this practice, which can be a huge problem for people with scoliosis. Pilates can help you fight against bad posture by providing the tools you need to gain more control over your back muscles. It combines controlled breathing, relaxation techniques, and exercises that increase stamina. Pilates routines will target your back muscles through strengthening exercises to reduce pain and improve stamina.

Safe & Effective Exercise System

The beauty of Pilates is that anyone, at any age, can get started. It also employs rounded techniques for both men and women through controlled, progressive movements. It is a powerful way to tone the body without the bulk. It works by just focusing the mind, regulating breathing, and using internal resistance. In signing up for a Pilates program, any instructor will require medical clearance and encourage you to seek physiotherapeutic advice. With regular training, Pilates can go some way towards helping you cope with your spinal curvature. You’ll notice improvements in your balance, coordination, core strength, and flexibility.

Pilates is just the first step in improving your back strength to make your scoliosis more manageable. More than relief, it can empower you and give you a sense of control over your condition. Incorporating Pilates in rehabilitation can allow you to develop a mind-body connection to be more aware of your posture in everyday activities. The deep breathing exercises will increase your respiratory capacity. In addition, it can help you achieve deeper relaxation, so the less contracted your muscles, the better you are with pain management.

Are you ready to get your scoliosis symptoms under control through Pilates? A simple call to +971 4 340 0017 gets you in touch with NorAlign Functional Rehabilitation Center, an industry-leading expert in scoliosis care. Whether you are struggling with a long-term injury or impaired by a disability, we can help you regain your strength, confidence, and freedom of movement. We provide evidence-based treatment approaches to scoliosis using the Schroth method, function rehabilitation, orthopedics, and Pilates. Book an appointment today!
