Fascia Therapy

What is Fasciatherapy

Fasciatherapy is a manual therapy that treats fascia adhesions. These fascias are a type of thin membrane that surrounds muscles and organs. They are found everywhere in the body ensuring a certain continuity between the different systems. During trauma, repetitive movements, stress… the fascias fibrosis occurs which is often the cause of pain and biomechanical dysfunctions. The goal of fasciatherapy is to restore flexibility to the fascias with soft manual techniques.

Consideriding that, faciatherapy is benefic for:

  • Injuries (tendonitis, muscle contracture, muscle pain)
  • Chronic pain (lumbago, neck pain)
  • Visceral dysfunction (intestinal pain, chest pain, menstrual pain)
  • Post-operative (scars and internal adhesions related to the intervention)