4 Reasons Why Kids Need Physiotherapy

Children move a lot, especially when they’re playing. While various physical activities have a positive impact on their growth and in developing their flexibility, there are instances when they get too excited and end up hurting themselves. Depending on the severity of the injury, they may be brought to a hospital or clinic to get […]

Functional Rehabilitation for Spine Curvature Disorders

Spine curvature disorders may affect both children and adults. The treatment for each condition may vary depending on the severity of the disorder. Treatment should be given to the patient as soon as possible to relieve pain and prevent causing further damage to the spine and other parts of the body. Milder cases of spine […]

The Schroth Method – A Scoliosis Treatment For Adults

Scoliosis treatment for adults may vary depending on the severity of the curve, existing health conditions, and mobility. While some are required to undergo surgery to correct the curvature of the spine, some patients are recommended to follow a treatment plan which consists of different exercises and sometimes physical therapy to help them recover. An example […]

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Treatment After Liposuction

No matter what type of surgery you have undergone, many doctors or specialists often recommend a range of post-surgery treatments to relieve pain and discomfort, as well as aid/speed up functional rehabilitation. One of the common recommended post-surgery treatments, especially after a liposuction procedure, is manual lymphatic treatment. Liposuction is considered as an invasive surgery […]

Simple Ways to Check Your Child’s Posture

Maintaining proper posture is very important even at an early age. While children may not be able to feel the effects of slouching and when sitting or standing early on, it may cause some serious and irreversible damage in the future. For this reason, making sure that your children are maintaining good posture while they […]

Manual Lymphatic Drainage For Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer patients who have undergone surgery, like many others, can benefit from different treatment and recovery programs created by the best physiotherapist in Dubai. While the methods of treatment may differ depending on the reason for the surgery and other conditions that may affect the patient’s overall health, several studies have proven the massage […]

What is Functional Rehabilitation?

No matter how careful you are in doing your day-to-day tasks, there are instances where accidents that lead to injury may occur. Whether you’re an athlete doing intense training or a regular person who’s only trying to finish the day’s work, there is no guarantee that you are safe from any kind of injury. Since […]

Why Scoliosis Awareness is Important to Everyone

When it comes to different medical conditions, awareness goes a long way for the people who are suffering from certain conditions. It also opens a lot of opportunities to further learn about some conditions and how they affect the daily lives of those who are sick and the people around them. Whether you are suffering […]

Strong Core For Strong Back

Most fitness coaches will remind you that ‘core strength is key’ or to ‘tighten your core,’ but is it really that important? The truth is core strength can help everyone, from gym enthusiasts, competitive athletes, and non-athletes who just want to be healthy. Strengthening your core isn’t about getting toned or chiseled abs. Your core […]

Scoliosis: How To Treat A Curved Back

Scoliosis is a sideways curve in the spine or backbone of at least 10-degrees, as measured on an X-ray of the spine. After a diagnosis, the patient will be referred to an orthopedic doctor and a physiotherapist to determine the best way to treat the curved spine. Interventions and management will depend on the patient’s […]
