Best Physiotherapy for Kids with Developmental Delay

Developmental delay refers to the condition when a child does not go through developmental milestones at the age, they are expected to be able to learn to talk, sit, crawl, or walk.

While there is no one answer as to what causes this condition, it is often linked to genetic problems, infections, head injury, or problems during pregnancy or birth.

Developmental delay can often be corrected in pediatric physiotherapy. Additional assistance may help with the child’s progress and enjoy benefits such as improved posture, balance, muscle/joint strength, and coordination.

Neurodevelopmental Techniques

Neurodevelopmental techniques are often used to improve the child’s head and trunk control. Physiotherapy clinics in Jumeirah have specialists who can perform certain exercises that can help the child in sitting and develop proper weight shifting, rotation, coordination, and balance.

Treatment techniques

Different treatment techniques are used by therapists to address the child’s specific needs considering their age and abilities. They create treatment plans that include massages, exercises, and other activities that can help promote the child’s normal development.

These exercises are often aimed to assist with short-term and long-term rehabilitation goals, not only to achieve developmental milestones but also to improve the child’s quality of life.

Assistive devices/equipment

Aside from pediatric physical therapy Dubai, physiotherapists may also recommend the use of a supportive devices such as orthotic devices and other adaptive equipment, depending on the specific condition of the child.

Specialists or therapists may also create a treatment plan, designed to involve parents, caretakers, or teachers so that it helps them to understand the child’s needs, promote future independence and develop independence with everyday tasks.


Hydrotherapy is a type of treatment that helps relax stiff joints and muscles. This helps in maximizing mobility in water, making it easier to move and helping develop independence in performing day-to-day activities.

Whether your child is showing signs of developmental delay or is suffering from other conditions that require pediatric physical therapy Dubai, our physiotherapists at Noralign Functional Rehabilitation Center can work one-on-one with you to provide treatments tailored to your individual needs.

We have physiotherapists who will develop a program for scoliosis treatment in Dubai which includes exercises, supervising your activities, keeping you motivated to recover faster, and answering questions throughout your therapy.
